Jackson and Erica 2005

Home | Jackson Posse Flyer | Our Beautiful Couple | Before the big day...Romance on the Beach! | The Wedding of the Century | More of the Wedding | Contact Deb, CO-Founder of The Jackson Posse, and More Posse Links | The Honeymoon


She saved the BEST for last!
Join us as we celebrate our glorious and long-awaited wedding!

My love and thanks to everyone in the Jackson Posse and to all friends who have helped us get here.  I am so proud of all the members of the Posse who have worked so hard for so many years.   We have made the dream come true! 

Click here to visit our Jackson Posse Newstand, the official home of the Jackson Posse!


Thanks for dropping by and sharing in the joy of Jack and Erica's wedding. Please feel free to get in touch with any comments or reactions!
CO-Founder, The Jackson Posse